Standing out has never been so critical. You can read the contribution here and the full piece below.
Sophie Griffiths: "These days consumers are buying into an experience. Whether it's the curve of a bottle of Champagne and delicate typography that speaks of French feminine allure and sophistication, or the heft of a Bourbon bottle and bold typography that taps into our associations of the Wild West, bravery and masculinity, we are buying into a set of associations and connotations, all of which are unconsciously triggered by those visual cues.
Consumers want to know how the product is made, and what's the story. They are looking for those shareable anecdotes and little discovery details that translate into social currency, and this requires more information and transparency about the product story and process.
In an effort to cut through to overwhelmed consumers, brands are getting better at distilling their distinctive assets. Not simplifying for simplification's sake, but making efforts to amplify and direct attention to distinctive qualities."
If you're a producer or brand and would like to talk about branding, design or activation do not hesitate to get in touch.